**Disclaimer: Traveloexpedia is an independent travel portal and agent partner, functioning as a travel service provider. We specialize in offering affordable travel services and act as an intermediary for various airline flight-related products on behalf of numerous transport and accommodation service providers, such as airlines, coach services, rail operators, cruise lines, and hotels. It is important to note that we do not claim to be an airline and cannot provide services identical to those offered by airlines.
Traveloexpedia.com does not own, operate, manage, or control the independent suppliers of services mentioned above and is not liable for their acts or omissions. Our platform connects you to live travel agent specialists who assist with flight bookings. We do not assume responsibility for these services, nor do we have the authority to make any warranty or representation regarding their standards. Requests cannot be guaranteed, and all bookings are subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of liability imposed by these service providers.
The information displayed on this website is for general purposes. While we have taken necessary steps to ensure accuracy and currency, we do not provide any warranty or representation, whether implied or expressed, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or liability of the information.
We do not promote any campaigns and reserve the right to modify or update the website without prior notice. As our valued customer, you will receive notifications through our communication channels. However, please note that we cannot support or make modifications to matters outside of airline regulations and are unable to act on your behalf.
Traveloexpedia adheres to operational standards outlined in ARC’s Verified Travel Consultant Agreement. Our customer support is available seven days a week, from Monday to Sunday. For any queries, please write to us at help@traveloexpedia.com. Thank you for choosing Traveloexpedia for your travel needs.**